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Stella’s goldendoodle puppies at:


Jasmine’s poodle puppies at:


Buttercup’s Goldendoodle Puppies at:


Coconut’s Goldendoodle Puppies at:



Puppies For Sale Week 6

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This litter of Goldendoodle Puppies is now six weeks old. We had a great week exploring outside. Flower petals, grass, and twigs were all favorite items to explore. We are having a great time with these puppies!

Red has had a great time outdoors. She is showing a sweet, gentle spirit and will do well in a home with other pets or with someone home during the day. Never far from the door, she prefers to nibble on a twig or curl up with a buddy in the shade.

Yellow is loving the yard. She likes to follow the kids around and was one of the first puppies to actually make it to the ‘far end’ of their play yard. She continues to be very laid back and is easy going wherever she goes.

Fresca decided to show us her super awesome playful side this week. She loves to do the stairs in and out of their play yard and as fast as you take her down, she follows you right back and through the door into the kitchen. She has been a lot of fun and keeps us laughing.

Teal quietly enjoys checking out any new area she is in. Whether it is finding a new stick to chew, or kicking her heels up in the grass in the yard, she is always a joy to be around.

Pink continues to be a sweet softie. Her quiet, gentle spirit makes her a joy to be around. She is often found following one of the kids around, or peacefully snuggling with a buddy.

More Puppies

We have another litter of goldendoodle puppies. Coconut had four beautiful puppies that are three weeks old now. Head here to follow their pictures or to see if they would be the right fit for your family.

We also have a litter of poodle puppies. Jasmine had seven beautiful parti poodle puppies that are now four weeks old. Head here to follow their pictures or to see if they would be the right fit for your family.

The Boys

Orange Is growing into a wonderfully well-rounded goldendoodle. His strong spirit, and playfulness will be a great asset to an active family. He will be easy to train and has a strong desire to please.

Simba is a fun-loving boy. He loves to follow the kids around, and goofing off around the playpark is a favorite activity. He loves a new toy, and is easy to entice into any playful game with a friend.

Indigo remains the litter’s big teddy bear. He loves to be in the middle of whatever is going on. As soon as you pick him up, he is butter in your hands. After a good cuddle, he is ready to go again looking for a friend to wrestle with.

Have you ever wondered what we look for in our puppies to match them to their families? Check out Choosing a Puppy to learn more.

Purple has thoroughly enjoyed going outside. It is by far her favorite place. She enjoys exploring, but only if she is close to a buddy, preferably a person. She is one of the first to seek us out, and follows closely at your feet as you move around the house.

We get a lot of questions about their coats as these puppies appear to be black. Please note: These are not  black puppies. All of these puppies coats will change to silvers and browns.

These are NOT the doodles that look like everyone else’s. These are the puppies for those looking for a unique look as well as a perfect temperament.

The Girls

Canadian English Goldendoodles

© 2015 Canadian English Goldendoodles: Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2Z1W7, 403-335-5915